Weddings are one of the happiest events that a person can attend, but unfortunately, they sometimes do cost a lot of money. Although people shouldn’t save when it comes to something that is done only once in your lifetime, there are still some unnecessary costs that can be avoided if you know what you’re doing.
Your wedding should be carefully planned out so that every one of your guests feels comfortable and has their needs satisfied. This means having a wide variety of food, all sorts of music, and some modern weddings even include a bunch of activities just to keep the guests entertained at all times.
In this article, we are going to talk about some of the ways you can save money on your wedding, so if you are currently in the middle of planning one, or you are just curious to learn some more for the future, feel free to read until the end. Here’s what you need to know.
1. Wait for the right moment

One of the best ways to save some money for your wedding is to wait for the right moment and pick a day that will cost you a thousand dollars less. We all know that Saturdays are considered to be the best days for such an event because people are well-rested and they don’t have work the other day, meaning that staying late is not an issue.
However, since everybody thinks about this the same way, Saturday automatically becomes the most expensive day of the week on which you can get married. There’s a “trick” you can do that can save you a lot of money, and that’s waiting for the perfect moment, a holiday weekend where you can book Sunday instead.
When it’s a prolonged weekend, it means that people don’t have anything to do the next day, even if it’s Sunday, so they can afford to stay late and having fun drinking and celebrating. When we say that you can save a thousand dollars, we’re not even joking about it, because that’s how expensive Saturdays have gotten in this world of weddings.
2. Promotional Offers

Every location that is known for hosting and organizing such events will have some sort of a promotional offer every once in a while. If you are being patient enough, and not rushing things, you can often run into something like this that will end up saving you a lot of money.
While we are at promotions and discounts, you can visit Gomontana if you happen to be interested in useful coupon codes. We all know that you sometimes feel pressured when it comes to organizing such an important event, but waiting for opportunities can help you save some money if you happen to be on a budget.
3. Fancy things are costly

It is quite understandable to want a fancy wedding, something that looks like it came out of the movies, but that shouldn’t be your main focus nor your main concern. Things such as gigantic cakes with multiple layers and candles can sometimes cost you more than a thousand dollars, and in about ninety-nine percent of the cases, a cake like that ends up being thrown away.
Although it’s quite nice to have people talk about the fanciness of your wedding for many years to come, you should know that luxuries like these will cost you a lot, so try to focus on functionality instead. A limousine may be something that you want, but our suggestion is, if you want to spoil yourself try finding someone who is on the cheaper, try a service like this one here.
It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a great event without completely breaking your bank, so try to be more mindful of your expenses. One unnecessarily fancy cake can cost as much as forty full-plate meals for your guests.
4. The location choice

Your location is important for a lot of things, and the price is one of them. Usually, fancy-looking locations will cost a lot more, but you probably already know that, but we are here to tell you something that not many people think about.
Every wedding needs decorations, and if you decide to do yours at a restaurant, for example, you will have to spend a lot of money decorating the entire restaurant so that it looks festive and beautiful. Although this is pretty normal and there’s nothing wrong with that, you can still choose an outdoor location, something with a lot of flowers and trees around, and you won’t have to spend so much money on décor because nature itself is already doing the job.
Why pay for artificial flowers when people can look and smell real ones instead? Even if you do want some extra decorations, you won’t have to pay as much for them because you’ll need a lot less.
5. The DJ quality doesn’t matter

If you haven’t noticed already, most modern weddings have a DJ taking care of all the music needs, and people often spend a lot of money inviting the most popular local DJ’s but is that completely unnecessary, and here’s why.
Events such as weddings are not parties or festivals where music is the main thing people came for, and the DJ won’t have any freedom to play whatever they want because it’s a very formal event with a lot of older people as well, so they will have pretty limited choices, and this is where skill becomes pointless. Even someone who charges ten dollars an hour can play the list of songs that you want, and anyone who can call themselves a DJ can mix two songs into one with a smooth transition.
What we are trying to say is that you don’t have to hire Tiesto or David Guetta to have a pleasant atmosphere at your event. Use that budget for something more useful instead.
6. Guest List

Before hosting a wedding, you should always know the exact number of guests that you’ll have. This is very important because by doing so, you will be able to calculate your entire budget and where your expenses will go, instead of blindly ordering meals and booking seats for people that might not even be able to attend.
Creating a poll with a few different foods and drinks is also a pretty good option because you will have a clear idea of what people are going to consume so that you don’t end up purchasing something that will go to waste.