The Royal Wedding of Louis Ducruet and Marie Chevallier – Details, Locations, Dress, Exclusive Photos!

The newly married couple grandson of Grace Kelly, Louis Ducruet and charming Marie Chevallier took their wedding vows on July 27th, 2019 in Monaco, and here are the details from the royal ceremony! Where did the royal wedding happen? This year in Monaco is reserved for special events and royal ceremonies since the recent wedding … Read more

Best wedding dresses for 2024

2020 is coming soon, and we had the fortune to see what have designers from all around the world prepared for us for this upcoming year in bridal fashion. There are still those traditional and conventional wedding dresses, but there is some wedding attire that will blow your mind. Let’s take a look at the … Read more

Bizarre Wedding Customs That Will Blow Your Mind

Some wedding traditions are familiar and accepted all over the world. Some of those customs are: cutting the cake, throwing the bouquet, bachelor parties and more. However, in some parts of the world, people are practicing the most strange and unusual traditions that we never heard of. Of course, the world is full of people … Read more