Wedding Detox Guide For Brides To Glow On Their Wedding Day

All girls know that the period from the moment they got engaged to the wedding itself passes too quickly. There is so much obligation that every future bride has to do, and so little time – because there is never enough time to organize a perfect wedding. This includes scheduling a wedding hall, choosing music, decorations, catering, etc.

Of course, the bride’s appearance is equally important – her wedding dress, hairstyle, makeup and more. However, she adorns the whole ceremony with her fairytale look. These things are mostly resolved among the last items, and that is quite correct, considering that they are only being sorted out on an important day. However, you should not focus only on your appearance.

It is very important that the bride looks fresh, healthy and fit. If the internal natural balance of the organism is not achieved, even the highest quality make-up cannot help you. That is why we have one piece of advice for all future brides that can serve as a good trick before the ceremony. It is a detox plan with the help of which you will treat your body in the right way and thus prepare it for your most important day in life.

Pre-wedding detox guide

Source: Verywell Fit

Get rid of junk food

You all know how harmful this food is in itself. No matter how tasty it is, it cannot bring us anything but weight and poor functioning of the organism. Also, we are sure that bride want to fit in their wedding dress, and if they continue to eat this food, we doubt they will.

It’s not just the weight that matters. Do you know how this food affects your skin? Foods such as French fries, cheeseburgers, pizza and the like have a huge impact on the health of your skin. Due to the constant consumption of this food, your skin tone and structure suffer and this is reflected in its freshness and more than you can imagine.

So avoid this type of food and everything will be okay. Of course, don’t think that the desired results or prevention can be achieved by starvation two weeks before the wedding. We are telling you this precisely because you need to start with a healthier diet months in advance. If you have problem skin, this is one more reason, because we are sure that you do not want the inflammation on your face to ruin the most important day.

Source: Times of India


Speaking of facial skin health, we can’t help but mention detoxification as one of the basic things that should be on everyone’s list of healthy habits. Detox can be any type of drink that you need to use every day for better detoxification. Why does our body need detoxification?

The body absorbs various toxins every day and this happens to us at every step because all the time it primarily inhales them through various poisonous gases, cigarettes and so on. Then we come into contact with them through the skin with deodorants and  various chemicals. For that reason, it is necessary to be cleaned of harmful substances every day. As a result, you can get better health of the skin and the whole organism. Don’t forget that this is a prevention of many diseases.

Source: Natureveda

Drink plenty of water

Although you regularly detoxify your body, you also need to pay as much attention to drinking water regularly. Water is an integral part of our body, and if we do not drink it in sufficient quantities, we lose that natural balance that makes us healthy and not so good things start to happen. What does it refer to?

So how changes occur inside the body first, such as loss of energy, concentration, fatigue, hunger and similar symptoms, changes are also seen in the external appearance. This means that the external status reflect the internal state of the organism and that all the fatigue is noticed on our skin. As a result, pimples, dry skin, bad complexion, etc. appear on the body.

Of course, don’t think that any liquid is good for the body. By this we mean exclusively water and other beverages that contribute to the detoxification of the body. By no means do we mean alcohol, coffee and other energy drinks on the contrary. If you want a beautiful complexion, forget about them. You can make a detox drink yourself, and you can also buy ready-made products such as Ready Clean detox. Just make sure they are proven products, about which you can find out on sites like, which write credible reviews.

Source: PopSugar

Eat the detox foods

Food is as important a factor as water. We have previously told you which foods you should avoid, and now we will present you with desirable foods that bring only good results. On the other hand, introducing a healthy habit can significantly improve the quality of your life and thus prevent diet and all other bad forms of rapid weight loss. With just a few essential foods, you can regularly cleanse your body of toxins and look beautiful inside and out.

There are plenty of foods that refresh and rejuvenate your body, and these are certainly teas, raw fruits and vegetables, or foods with fiber or the effect of diuretics.

Source: NaturalHairBride

Mental detox

Preparations for the wedding cannot pass without one unwanted guest, and that is STRESS. The reason for this is that every detail, especially for the bride, is an important task that must be done perfectly. Although these are primarily pleasant tasks, they wanted it or not, constantly accompanied by stress, effort and fatigue.

Unfortunately, all of this reflects on your physical appearance, but primarily on your psyche. However, today there are very simple ways in which you can reduce stress and remove the burden.  First of all, you need to stop for a short time and understand your daily pace, and then change it in those parts that burden you. Take frequent breaks, it releases. You can do this several times a day, and you only need to stop a certain action for a while, close your eyes and breathe lightly for a few minutes.
Of course, there are other forms of relaxation that take a little more time during the day, but they are very effective. So, we mean yoga, meditation or simple breathing exercises.


Now that you know what you need to do to keep your look fresh and naturally beautiful before you say fateful – yes, it would be ideal to do all this on time. Apart from avoiding unnecessary haste and nervousness, this way you will not feel any pressure that day because all these things that we have previously listed relax your mind and body.