If you’re getting ready to set the date, you are probably inundated with a variety of things to do. Not only that, there are simply too many choices and decisions you will be making over the next several months. You want a memorable wedding and in order to arrive at this goal, everything has to be perfect. When it comes to weddings, different brides-to-be have different tastes as to what they want. Every bride wants something to be perfect. As long as this ‘something’ is perfect it doesn’t matter about anything else. For some brides it is the dress, for others, it is the bridesmaid’s dresses, cake, or decorations. Many brides have many different aspects of what they feel should be absolutely perfect. In this article, we want to share five wedding ideas you have probably never even thought of. In fact, these are very economical and easy on the budget as well. The main goal here is to have the wedding of your dreams without spending a ton of money. Let’s take a look.
1. Shop the Online Boutiques

The bridesmaid dresses need to be symbiotic with the style of the bride and also compliment the colors of the wedding. As you may have seen or heard in movies, brides generally send their bridesmaids out with some of the gaudiest garments known to man. But that’s not you, and that’s not real life. You want your bridesmaids to be as beautiful as you!
The swing dress is an item that has rarely been used in weddings before but can be tweaked to have several significant characteristics you will love. The swing dress style is flowy and open and, when coupled with vests, scarves, or other accessories can steal the show at the wedding. It has a variety of styles including short sleeves, ¾ sleeves, and the A flowing swing dress is always a great option and it won’t break the bank. In fact, boutiques like E and O Apparel offer modest church dresses that fit these very criteria by producing swing dresses for a low cost. There are boutiques out there like this that hold high quality without the price, and searching for the best one is your best bet.
2. Find Local Cake Talent

The wedding cake is a big deal after the deed is done. It is a great way to display the style and decorations of the event afterward. Generally speaking, some brides spend as much as $5,000 to have a fancy cake made and we think that can be a little expensive for people on a budget. Social platforms like Facebook have made it easy for brides to be to search for cake makers in their local town. We recommend taking a screenshot of your favorite cake you would like to have at your wedding and then find the local talent and see if they can make it. More often than not they will be able to and your cost will be reduced significantly.
3. Register For Help

One of the many benefits of almost being married is how you can go to your favorite stores and register for items you would like to receive from your wedding guests. When this happens, find the items you need and stop there. After you have resorted to asking for the essentials, make it known that you would like to receive wedding help at the reception instead of gifts. You will be surprised at the people who will donate their time and talent to help you clean up after the reception, serve food, and even play as a band! One fortunate bride received a gift of an experienced DJ who played for the entire night. He donated his time as a gift and everyone had a blast and was significantly impressed.
4. Make Your Own Invitations

Clearly there are many different expenses while preparing for your wedding and invitations are one of them. Are they a necessity? Only if you want people to attend. If you’re okay with just being there with the one you love and the person officiating, by all means, forget about them. However, we’re pretty sure you’re wanting people to come and if that’s so invitations can come at a steep price. One bride paid upwards of $10,000 for 200 invitations outlined in pure gold. While that may not be your style, you get the point that invitations can be pricey. If you’re looking at a budget, you can head over to printing companies online who will have templates of invitations. Prepare your invitation the way you like and you can be happy paying no more than is necessary.
5. Have the Ceremony Outdoors or Home

In order to have a wedding, you have to have a facility. With that facility comes the cost of renting it for two to three hours for the entire event. Depending on your location, you could be spending upwards of $4,000 to be married there. Instead of spending your hard-earned cash on a building, have the ceremony outdoors. An outdoor wedding is beautiful, simple, and easy to decorate for. If outdoors is not your thing, plan your wedding at your favorite spot in your own home or a friend’s home. There are many options to get around this specific hurdle that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg.
In Conclusion
The bride to always want her wedding to be beautiful, memorable, and classy. If she ordered all of the bells and whistles that came with that, a lot of money would be spent to make it happen. However, there are other ways to have a memorable wedding you can be proud of and not have to spend your life savings on. Think about the people you love and the things you love to do and marry those things together first. When you do you will come back with excellent ideas on preparing a great wedding on a budget.