Divorcing a Narcissist: Your Comprehensive Guide to Managing the Process

Divorcing a Narcissist- Your Comprehensive Guide to Managing the Process

Divorce is intrinsically daunting and steeped in complexities, but when it involves a narcissist, the challenges are intensely magnified. Narcissism, in the context of divorce, is indicative of a personality disposition characterized by a pervasive and excessive pattern of grandiosity, a profound need for admiration, and a discernible lack of empathy. This personality trait makes … Read more

Divorce During Pandemic Times? Here’s What to Know!

Although every divorce is unique, some aspects of all divorces in Georgia are the same as others. Therefore, understanding the rules and procedures governing divorce in your state can assist you in reducing the stress and strain that you will undoubtedly experience as you work your way through the process. According to the law, after … Read more

Why Would You Want to Change Your Name?

In this day and age, people do sometimes make difficult choices. One of those is to change their name. Now, you might be wondering, why would I want to change my name? You’ll probably come up blank because you might not think of a good enough reason to change your name. But the thing is, … Read more

How to Change Your Name in Michigan

Have you ever wondered how to legally change your name in Michigan? Maybe you’re getting married or divorced, or maybe your parents gave you a name that doesn’t fit who you are today. The name change Michigan process is a little involved, but not impossible. Read on to learn more about how this process works … Read more